Fixing Abysmal Sales Skills, Part 1

The sales skills of people who sell are generally abysmal.  They have been poorly trained by people who don’t know much about sales, who...

Marketing to Seniors for Retirement Financial Planners

Seniors have the bulk of money in this country and as explained in “the Millionaire Next Door”...

The Worst Idea You Can Have This Holiday Season

This post was contributed by David Sage of Brokerville The worst idea you can have is that you can’t do business during the holidays. The...

How to Keep Your Firm from Losing You Clients

They Don't Do It on Purpose You may work for a large securities firm or large insurance company.  It's also likely that these firms do...

Reflections on a “Unified” Fiduciary Duty

by John L. Olsen, CLU, ChFC, AEP We hear a lot, lately, about the fact that some practitioners – Registered Investment Advisors and Advisory Associates...

Fixing Abysmal Sales Skills Part 2

Life Insurance Companies and Their Agents Don’t Know How to Sell Insurance (and most sales professionals don't really know the definition of sales) The problem of...

How to Set an Insurance Appointment

How to Set an Insurance Appointment Before you can make an insurance sale you first need to make another sale called the insurance appointment. Realize...

Sales Professionals Must Unsell Before They Sell

While this post applies to any sale where the prospect already uses a competitor's product or service (which would be almost any sale), I...

The Holy Grail of Financial Marketing

Professionals in financial sales often make the sales part harder than it need be.  I have seen the following occurrence many times.  You may...

Financial Professionals Don't Need More Financial Knowledge

Knowledge You Don't Need Reading the Wall Street Journal, Investors Daily and whatever you think you need to do to stay current provides no revenue. ...