The Holy Grail of Financial Marketing

Professionals in financial sales often make the sales part harder than it need be.  I have seen the following occurrence many times.  You may...

To Sell More, Stop Talking About Your Products

Do you like to be sold? Notice that when you see a sales pitch coming, your muscles tense up a bit and you put...

Insurance Prospecting Gone Wrong

Insurance Prospecting Gone Wrong It continually shocks us that so many people (insurance agents, stockbrokers, financial planners) are recruited into financial services with no sense...

The Two Types of Wealthy Senior Clients

Are you ready to meet people who can fund thirty thousand dollar life premiums, buy six- figure annuities and open half million dollar fee-based...

Self-Reliant Financial Professionals Earn Less

Red-blooded Americans are a self-reliant and it’s a good way to be, right? As self-reliant Americans, it’s almost un-American to admit we do better...

Insurance Leads are Jeckyll and Hyde

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is about strange occurrences between Dr Henry Jekyll, and the misanthropic Mr. Edward Hyde. The...

Benefits of Working with the Mature Market (age 60+)

The mature market is the single best large market.  (There are other great markets, such as people with assets over $10 million or presidents...

Insurance Prospecting is Not for Insurance Professionals

This article on prospecting applies to any type of financial sale. Your first boss told you that insurance prospecting is the life blood of your...

The Best Way to Market Financial Services -- for YOU!

Why One Marketing Approach Works for Other Financial Advisors And Not for You The most common question rookies and veterans ask each other is: How...

Two Steps to Eliminate Rejection From Your Sales Process

Do you feel rejected when people don’t want what you are offering?  Actually, when people do not want what you offer, they usually say...