Insurance Agents Efforts Misdirected

I just reviewed several websites about being a successful insurance sales agent and little what I read is true based on my experience selling...

A Lot of Sales Professionals are Sales Laborers. And You?

The thousands of producers I have observed are mostly sales laborers.  They spend their days… Answering the telephone Opening mail Handling inquiries Resolving problems Scheduling appointments Calling prospects Reacting   Take a hard...

Financial Professionals Don't Need More Financial Knowledge

Knowledge You Don't Need Reading the Wall Street Journal, Investors Daily and whatever you think you need to do to stay current provides no revenue. ...

Marketing to Seniors for Retirement Financial Planners

Seniors have the bulk of money in this country and as explained in “the Millionaire Next Door”...

The Big Picture of Marketing Financial Services

Most insurance agents are poor.  The Bureau of Labor statistics reports that average income for insurance agents is less than $40,000 annually. This is...

The One Problem in Your Business That Causes Most Other...

Here’s what I learned from my MBA studies—focus, focus, focus.  Notice that every great company today (Intel, Cisco, Microsoft, Sun, Oracle, Home Depot) does...

The Right Newsletter

Why send a newsletter?  Because it will make you money and if done in the right way, you will be able to track exactly the...

Insurance Lead Generation Success with Google

A lot of insurance agents are unfamiliar with Internet marketing and don't understand how to do it.  One of the easiest ways to to...

Reflections on a “Unified” Fiduciary Duty

by John L. Olsen, CLU, ChFC, AEP We hear a lot, lately, about the fact that some practitioners – Registered Investment Advisors and Advisory Associates...

How to Be a Sales Magnet to Wealthy Seniors

People 60 and over control the majority of the assets in America, but these wealthy people won’t respond to the tactics used by most...