Insurance Lead Generation with Google


A lot of insurance agents are unfamiliar with Internet marketing and don’t understand how to do it.  One of the easiest ways to to use the Internet for insurance lead generation is to use Google Adwords.

Use the Power Of Google for Insurance Lead Generation

insurance lead generation

Adwords allows you to create your own advertisements and choose important words to match your ads to your audience and generate annuity leads or insurance leads.  You set the cost of your advertising by bidding the amount you pay only when insurance prospects click on your Adwords ad.  This is named a “pay-per-click” program.  Any agent caring to advertise a business with Google can enroll for their life insurance lead generation. Google also offers a local option so that you promote your business only locally.

Google AdWords is fairly easy to use and they also offer training seminars and one-on-one assistance to set up your account.  You produce ads that Google shows next to regular search results. For example, your ads show when a prospect researches keywords you’ve selected (e.g. term insurance, buy insurance, best insurance, deferred annuity) that you want to promote to gain clients.  That way, when people look-up these phrases and click on your ad, they become you fresh insurance leads. Simple so far.

As opposed to most advertising, you don’t pay Google when it exposes your ad; you pay only when an insurance prospect clicks your ad. If a web surfer searches Google for say “annuities”, Google displays your ad alongside articles and news about annuities. If somebody searches Google for your important phrases (those that you select), you know they’re in all likelihood looking for your services and may likely be a good annuity lead. AdWords can thus be a great alternative when you want to direct your ads to a specific audience, such as prospects seeking life annuities.

AdWords is good for a small marketing budget. Even though Adwords may be an economic insurance lead generation, option, know that there are LOTS of others targeting popular key phrases like “life insurance” or “annuities.” AdWords doesn’t charge a set price per ad; you bid on the important phrases that you want to link to your ads and those bids are competing against others (e.g. other insurance agents or even insurance companies). If you bid higher than others who bid on the same key word, your ad will probably appear near the top of the sponsored ads and will appear more often (i.e. better position so you get more clicks and more leads).   If you bid less, then your ad won’t be seen as much.

For example, if you set a upper limit bid of 45 cents for the phrase “deferred annuities”, and the next highest bid is 33 cents, Google gives your ad preference among the sponsored  links it displays when somebody searches “annuities” and it is likely your ad will be seen (displayed) more.  But with a popular targeted phrase like “deferred annuities”, in all likelihood the high bid is 15 dollars per click and your bid of forty-five cents will make it so that your ad is never shown, i.e. not very robust insurance lead generation.

To decide which ads get displayed the most, Google takes into account the bid and also accounts for the number of people who click through each advertisement, giving preference to the more popular ads. You cannot, therefore, buy the top spot unconditionally just by bidding more but your bid is the most important element in determining how much exposure your ad obtains and ultimately, how many insurance leads you get.

The trick when you get accustomed at using Adwords is uncovering key phrases where you have low bid competition but you get good traffic i.e. a lot of the right visitors.  Once you hit on the sweet spot of key phrases for your insurance agency, you have a solid avenue for insurance lead generation.

Outsource your Insurance Lead Generation

If it all sounds like burdensome work, get SeniorLeads to manage it for you.



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